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Reimbursement Cycle
Harshal Katre avatar
Written by Harshal Katre
Updated over a week ago

Reimbursement voucher serves the purpose of compensating customers for an out-of-pocket expense by giving them an amount of money equal to what was spent.
Kindly note that this voucher cannot be used for reimbursing expenses of employees / staff.

Reimbursement Cycle

ProfitBooks provides a simple 3 step process to perform reimbursement as following:

Step 1: Raise a credit expense from the expenses section with proper expense line items and perform the payment. To check how to create credit expenses visit the below mentioned help article at the end of this article.

Step 2: Create a New reimbursement Voucher, for that firstly Go to Accounting> Reimbursement> Reimbursement voucher, click on "+new reimbursement voucher".

Fill in the following details:

1) Transaction date.
2) Customer name.
3) Expense details.
4) Type of expenses: Make sure exactly same expense line items are filled as per your credit expenses.
The supporting documents regarding expenses can be attached to reimbursement voucher from view page prior to generation of reimbursement receipt only.
Once reimbursement receipt is generated no changes can be performed in the reimbursement voucher.
" Please note that the expense line items have effect on your ledger & overall reimbursement cycle. please take due care in selecting same line items".

Click on save and it's done.

Step 3: Once you receive the payment from customers. Create a new reimbursement receipt for customers to complete the reimbursement cycle.
For that Go to Accounting> Reimbursement> Reimbursement receipt, click on "+new reimbursement receipt".

Fill in the following details:

1) Voucher date.
2) Customer name, after user will select customer name all the Outstanding Reimbursement Vouchers will be shown related to that customer.
3) Expense details.
4) Fill in the receipt details and receipt mode.

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