Setup and Configuration
Harshal Katre avatar
Written by Harshal Katre
Updated over a week ago

To access the settings, click on ‘Settings’ option from the menu at top right corner.

1. Edit Your Company Settings

Once you access the settings screen, you can enter basic details for your company.

a) Upload your company logo
Click on the ‘Upload Logo’ button to upload your company logo. The image should be in PNG or JPEG format. Horizontal logos with 250px width and 150px height would look best.
This logo will appear on all the prints like invoice, purchase order, delivery challan, etc.

b) Edit basic information about the company
In this section, you update company name, phone number, email, address and other details.

2. GST Details

In this section, you can enter tax details like GST, PAN, TAN, CIN and TRN.
These details will show up on the printouts.

3. Invoice Customization

ProfitBooks lets you customize the invoice as per your business needs.

a) Invoice Number Setting

You can specify the way invoice numbers are generated. By default, the numbers will start in a sequence. You can change the numbering format.

b) Custom Labels for Invoice Columns
In this section, you can rename the invoice column names. For example, you can call ‘Product’ as ‘Item Code’ or ‘Service Name’ or anything related to your business. Similarly, you can rename ‘Description’ as ‘More Details’ or rename ‘Amount’ as ‘Rate.

c) Default Settings
Apart from this, you can specify standard text for ‘Customer Notes’ and ‘Terms & Conditions’ fields which will be automatically populated every time new invoice is created.

4. Invoice Templates

We have added 8 different invoice templates.

Just select the desired template and click on save button. ‘Thermal Template’ can only be applied to the ‘Cash Invoices’ and its best suited for the thermal printers.

5. Other Preferences

a) Add Custom Fields on Invoices
You can further customize invoice by adding up to 3 custom fields. For example, some businesses need to record ‘Salesperson Name’ or ‘Vehicle Number’ or ‘Reference Number’ on the invoice. You can add such fields and name them as per your requirement. You can also choose to hide these fields on the print.
​You can get detailed report on these fields in the Reports section.

b) Voucher Numbering

You can specify the way voucher numbers are generated for every voucher in ProfitBooks. By default, the numbers will start in a sequence. You can change the numbering format.

c) Change Default Labels

It's also possible to set the naming conventions for Customers, Estimates and Warehouses. For example, you can call Customer as Guest or Member, rename Estimate as Quote or Pro-forma Invoice, rename Warehouse as Store or Depot, etc.

d) Other Preferences

You can set default terms and conditions for all estimates. And set footer for all vouchers/report generated from ProfitBooks.

6. Payment Gateway

In ProfitBooks, you can add Payment Link to Invoices. To add payment link, you need to create and integrate payment gateway with ProfitBooks.

a) Instamojo

b) Cashfree

7. Inventory & Warehouse Settings

In this section, you can add multiple warehouses or modify existing ones. While creating sales invoices or purchase vouchers for inventory enabled products, you will have to select the warehouses.

Later you can transfer inventory between warehouses, record wastage and manage other stock related actions from Items> Manage Stock.

8. Payroll Related Settings

In Payroll settings, you can setup Departments, Designations, Holidays and Leaves. Once these details are entered, you can assign these to Employees while adding a new account.

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